A Precognitive Dream

Warnings from Spirit for my Protection

The night before I flew solo to Jamaica I had a dream that my luggage was inspected by airport security personnel. I felt scared in the dream even though I had nothing to hide. I also dreamt I was wearing a strange maroon outfit, not a color I typically wear, and I saw a rowboat nearby on a sandy shore. This dream was a strong warning to avoid danger. It had a foreboding feel to it. The maroon color stuck in my mind most of all.

          The next day I was at the Minneapolis airport, excited for my first excursion abroad. The long passenger line was tolerable and then security picked me out of the line-up and asked to search my bags. This normally would have frightened me, but because of my dream, I readily handed over my suitcases. I was relieved of anxiety, however illogical, since I half expected it.

          “It’s routine,” the inspector stated, “We randomly choose bags to search.”

          I was chosen this time. Still, it felt awkward to be searched like a suspected criminal.

*  *  *

          A few days into my Jamaica trip, I was exploring the enchanting tropical beach of Montego Bay and noticed I had lost my expensive prescription sunglasses in the sand. I was upset because I had never spent so much money for fashion eyewear before, and now they were gone. About this time, I also met a pudgy, middle-aged Jamaican security guard at the seaside resort where I stayed.

          “Do you need anything?” he asked me, smiling at me as we walked along the beach.

          “I was looking for my sunglasses, but I’ve given up,” I said sadly.

          Then I watched that man scan the shoreline for the next several hours. I was having dinner when he came up to me and showed me my sunglasses he had hunted for all day. I was ecstatic!

          “Wow. Thank you. I can’t believe you found them.” I smiled as he handed them to me.

          He looked like a prideful cat with a prize bird or a tasty mouse to offer me. I handed him a twenty-dollar bill in gratitude. He gladly took it.

          “Do you want to go dancing with me tonight?” he asked with a flirt in his eye.

          “No.” I saw a wedding ring on his fat finger and he wasn’t my type even if he’d been single. He kept hanging around me, uninvited. I left to get ice water to dissuade him.

*  *  *

          Later that evening I was reading by the shore in the dimming evening light when he came over and sat too close to me on a double lounger. He talked about his wife and four children.

          “I would divorce her if you would marry me,” he lied. “Sell all your assets in America and come live with me on the island.” He put his groping hand on my arm.

          The next thing I knew he was kissing me hard and grabbing my hand to lead me to my first-floor hotel room. This so-called security guard, who had so kindly retrieved my sunglasses, now appeared to think I owed him more than money.

          Just then I saw the face of a ghastly monster superimposed on his human face. My inner alarm went off and I was filled with foreboding, like a strong spiritual warning.

          I looked down at what I was wearing—my maroon jumpsuit! Déjà vu swept through me. Then I saw the rowboat next to the palm tree off to the side of my lounge chair, just like my dream. Frightened, I quickly pulled my hand away from his, bid him goodnight firmly, and ran off to my hotel room as fast as I could, bolting the door behind me. With my heart pounding, safe in my room, I dropped onto the bed, exhaled in relief, grateful for the warning. I thanked God for my protection.

A true story from Sprinkles from Heaven - Stories of Serendipity by Carolyn Jaynes, M.A

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